Category = ‘colorado’
Cliff-top Civilisation
Today was a simpler day—a shorter drive, followed by a guided tour of the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde National Park. The area was settled by Native Americans between AD 600 and 1250 (as an asi..
First Night Camping
Last night was my first in a tent this trip—and true to form, as I drove from the cafe where I had my dinner to the campsite, it started to rain! Thankfully it was only a drizzle by the time I h..
Bleak Canyon
Last night I was in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park—the Gunnison being the river that carved out this particular canyon. I wasn’t able to post an update due to it have almost no f..
Week One: Highlights
Being a boy I spend my time thinking about lists.. top films, top songs/albums, etc. I have driven about 1300 miles so far, so I’ve had a lot of thinking time on my hands. So here are some..
America’s Mountain
As I said yesterday, I moved the journey up Pike’s Peak to this morning, in order to avoid the rainclouds; there’s no point going 14,000 feet up if all you’ll see is cloud! And my cunning plan w..
Church & Red Rocks
Today was a quieter sort of day. I took a long time packing up my room, much to the consternation of the housekeeping staff, who knocked on my door no fewer than three times before I had to chec..
Rocky Mountain Hike
This morning I woke up pretty tired, and lacking motivation to get up and go, which surprised me given how much I have been looking forward to staying in the Rocky Mountains! I just couldn’t be ..
Rocky Mountain Drive
I find myself in Rawlins, WY, which seems only to sell second-hand cars, car parts, fuel and liquor. So, I guess I must be sitting in my tent, erected in the back of an old Chevy pickup, chewing..
Rise Up
Before the 125 decides to go only in straight lines, it snakes its way through the Arapaho National Forest (this time only five times the size of Wales). Surrounded by mountains either side, it ..