


Jun 2007

Naked Tony

Naked Blair at centre of art show I have to confess I don’t quite understand the strength of animosity towards Tony Blair in this country. He has made some unpopular decisions, but lots of politicians..

May 2007

‘The Cross and the Cariacatures’

I have just finished reading Tom Wright’s lengthy article on Penal Substitution , during a long safety exchange in the snooker world championship final (!). Penal substitution is something of a hot to..

Apr 2007

‘The Love of God’ or the Cross?

I visited a local church today for a baptism communion service. In some respects it was my ideal service (over in just under an hour and a quarter, very friendly, lots of families and kids), but I was..

Mar 2007

Sexual Orientation Regulations

I have just been reading a blog by a fellow Wycliffe student here . He argues that the Catholic Church has no right to oppose the SORs going through Parliament at present. The reason is that they are ..

Mar 2007

The Spirit and Discipline

I had a fascinating discussion today with three other guys. We were talking about how to preach about holiness and drunkenness, without being judgemental. We talked about two dangerous opposites that ..

Feb 2007

Tanzania, Windsor and North America

Last night the primates of the Anglican Communion issued the following communique: Primates Meeting Communique Many of us have been concerned about the future of the Anglican Communion, especially tho..

Feb 2007

‘Churches back plan to unite under Pope’

Today in The Times I was somewhat shocked to read the front-page headline: ‘Churches back plan to unite under Pope. It seemed from the article that at some point in the next few months there was a rea..