Category = ‘web’
Nov 2008
My uncle reminded me of a rather nifty site called Wordle . If you enter any text, it creates an image based on the frequency of each word. It has various options for colours, etc. Here is..
Aug 2008
Simple WYMeditor and WordPress 2.6
I love WYMeditor , it is by far the best Javascript text editor I have used. As I have written before, I use the Simple WYMeditor plugin so I can have WYMeditor in my WordPress installation. However, ..
Apr 2008
Website compression
I just found a helpful article about compressing website pages automatically using .htaccess here . This reduced my page size by at least 75%, a big (and safe) help for viewing pages fast. My next sea..
Mar 2008
Javascript hacking
I just read an extremely funny article from the States about ‘securing’ websites using javascript, with the username, the password, and the ‘secure’ page URL written in the clear: '..
Feb 2008
I am increasingly using the ESV translation for both study and devotion. Despite its often clunky language, I have found it to be highly accurate, and freely available in so many forms to be extremely..
Jan 2008
Bible Visualisation
I found an amazing web page today. Created by Chris Harrison, it contains various images which visualize names, both people and places, in the Bible. My favourite though is the cross-references diagra..
Jan 2008
100Mb broadband?
Apparently, 100Mbit Broadband Hits UK . I’ll believe that when I see it, and actually can we have 4Mb broadband, please, instead of the pitiful less-than-modem-speed I get in the evenings with Tiscali..
Jan 2008
WordPress and WYMeditor
EDIT 22/04/08: If you use the latest versions of WordPress , Admin SSL and Simple WYMeditor , then this workaround is no longer necessary. I currently use WordPress to publish my blog, and I recently ..
Dec 2007
At last! The great broadband scam is being curtailed by Ofcom, and not a moment too soon. The old ‘up to 8mb’ line so beloved of broadband providers has finally come under harsh criticism by Ofcom . T..
Nov 2007
jQuery UI
My favourite javascript framework, jQuery , has recently released jQuery UI , a set of user interface javascript components. These can be used for displaying websites, having sliding menus, sortable t..