


Tag = ‘php’

Aug 2008

Simple WYMeditor and WordPress 2.6

I love WYMeditor , it is by far the best Javascript text editor I have used. As I have written before, I use the Simple WYMeditor plugin so I can have WYMeditor in my WordPress installation. However, ..

Apr 2008

Website compression

I just found a helpful article about compressing website pages automatically using .htaccess here . This reduced my page size by at least 75%, a big (and safe) help for viewing pages fast. My next sea..

Jan 2008

WordPress and WYMeditor

EDIT 22/04/08: If you use the latest versions of WordPress , Admin SSL and Simple WYMeditor , then this workaround is no longer necessary. I currently use WordPress to publish my blog, and I recently ..

Nov 2007


One of the most frustrating things when programming in any language, is bugs. Not bugs caused by your own coding (although they can be annoying) but bugs caused by the language itself not working prop..
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Tags bugs php