
  • North Island
    • 16. Wellington (2)

Weta Cave

This post was published on Saturday 26 January 2019.

The troll outside Weta

Round the corner from our place to stay is the Weta Workshop and Weta Cave – if you know much about The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films, you’ll know that Weta are responsible for all the models, ‘big miniatures’, props and CGI for the films – and many other films besides.

Their Cave is a tour of props from many of the films they’ve been involved in, and shows the modelling process. It’s amazing to see the attention to detail and time they take creating magic for the movies.

Unfortunately the props are all owned by different movie studios, which means that for copyright reasons they are unable to allow photographs during the tour – but if you go to Wellington, it’s worth a visit. The shop has some incredible models for sale... I could have spent £1000s in there...

It managed to distract us from various signs like these we saw around Wellington... I’m sure they’re not because a tsunami is extremely likely, but I’ve never seen anything like them before!

We’ve also been amused by the height of showers in the recent places we’ve stayed – here’s the latest one!

I haven’t noticed Kiwis being particularly short... maybe just the bathroom fitters are. It does make washing your hair quite difficult!