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St Editha’s Amington

Category Life
Tags amington job
This post was published on Monday 28 March 2016.

The following is an extract from a press release read out in church  yesterday:

The Bishop of Birmingham is delighted to announce today that Rev Ben Green has been appointed as the next Vicar of Amington. Amington is a historic village now part of the wider Tamworth Area, part of Polesworth Deanery in the Diocese of Birmingham... Ben will take up his appointment in July this year and further details will be announced in due course. Please join the Bishop in prayer for the peoples of the Arden Marches Group and Amington, along with Ben and Jess as they prepare for this exciting transition.

We will move at the beginning of July, and I will be licensed on 19 July by Bishop David.  Thank you to everyone who has been praying for me over the years, I’m looking forward to being a proper vicar at last!  We’ll find out where Jess’s job is going to be in the next few days – we are hoping it will be at Good Hope, which is the nearest hospital to Amington.

St Editha’s website is here.  It is a single church (i.e. not a benefice or group), in a parish of about 9,000 (though that will rise dramatically as approximately 1,100 new homes are to be built on the old golf course in the coming years).  They have a lot of things going on, and I’m really excited about working with them to grow and develop their ministry in the area.