


Cancer Risk

This post was published on Thursday 1 November 2007.

In the news this week has been a story about cancer risk. A major reivew of scientific studies from the last five years has concluded that pretty much everyone should lose weight, not drink any alcohol or sugary drinks, and not eat bacon. The reason for all this is that they have discovered body fat to be a much larger factor that anyone previously thought.

On the TV news, a chef said he thought the study was ridiculous, and advocated ‘everything in moderation’. Another expert clarified that the risks identified in this review were far less than the risk of cancer from smoking. The article above also points out that two-thirds of cancer is not linked to lifestyle, so having a strict health regime would only partially reduce the risk of cancer. Add to that the fact that red wine is supposed to reduce the risk of heart problems, and you have a confusing picture! Indeed, the report itself acknowledges the benefits of alcohol in moderation.

So what should we do? The review is obviously the result of some hard work, but their conclusion is perhaps a little bit obvious - whatever we stick into our bodies, there is the danger that we might get seriously ill. If we avoid sticking that stuff into our bodies, we might get seriously ill with something else.

My common sense response is this: a healthy diet with exercise. Alcohol is fine, as long as you don’t get drunk every night. Sugar and salt are fine and necessary - just don’t smother your food in them! And it’s always better to make your own food that buy ready-cooked processed food. Drink lots of water, try not to have too much tea and coffee (the quantities of caffiene people must consume every day is frightening). Be sensible most of the time, and you can gorge yourself on occasion!