
  • Culture (2)



Living in the North

This post was published on Thursday 28 August 2008.

So according to this report two weeks ago, all the people who live in the North should move to the South, because regeneration efforts are failing.   To avoid become ‘trapped’ in poverty, people should move to Oxford, or Cambridge, say.

Of course, all the major parties rubbished it, and the councils of various Northern cities did as well.   David Cameron said it was ‘insane’.

Imagine my delight when I read another story today, this time about ‘mapping’ Britain’s ‘happiest places’.   It seems Edinburgh comes out bottom - but, in a delicious irony given the story a couple of weeks ago - EIGHT of the top TEN happiest places in Britain are in the North of England or Scotland.

Now, what does that tell you?   It tells me that stupid middle-class think-tanks assume that all that matters is financial well-being.

So, my call to the South is: come up here, it’s a much happier place to live!