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Genesis 1-2 answers three important questions: Who (was there)? Who (made everything)? and Who (are we)?

15/09/24 15/09/2024 Genesis 1 - 2

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Following Jesus isn't easy, but it's better.

24/08/24 24/08/2024 Bible Life

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In the summer of 2013 I left my IT job (writing web software) and moved house to start a training post to be a vicar. Rather than go straight from one to the other, I decided to go via Western USA and Canada, in a convertible Ford Mustang.


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In January 2019 Jess and I managed (what I hope isn't!) the trip of a lifetime to New Zealand. We hired a small campervan and drove around both islands for four weeks - and loved it! The only bad part was not being able to stay longer.


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I was born in Oxford while my father was doing his vicar training at Wycliffe Hall – where I also did my own vicar training, twenty-three years later. I grew up in a Christian family, and God has always been at the centre of my life.


Evangelicals need to approach their theological formulae with more humility than in the past.   It is the scriptural word that is infallible, not our ever imperfect attempts to restate it in appropriate contemporary ways.

Ronald J. Sider, ‘Evangelism, salvation and social justice: definitions and interrelationships,’ International Review of Mission 64 (1975): 267.