Tag = ‘travel’

It begins.. sort of!

The tour begins here.  I am sitting in a small guest house, a mile from Heathrow, about to get some sleep before a (very) long day tomorrow.  My alarm is set for 4am, and I won’t arrive in m..
Category London

The Journey

Today was one of the longest and most full-on days of my life!  I got up at 4am BST, having hardly slept due to a) extreme heat and stuffiness in the room, b) noisy neighbours, but mostly c) exci..

Week One: Highlights

Being a boy I spend my time thinking about lists.. top films, top songs/albums, etc.  I have driven about 1300 miles so far, so I’ve had a lot of thinking time on my hands.  So here are some..

Olympic Peninsula

The ferry from Whidbey Island to Port Townsend So, in the last post , I left us on the ferry from Whidbey Island to Port Townsend, on the peninsula.  It was 9.15pm, and the sunset was long past.&..

The Last Day

So it turns out Vancouver Airport does have wifi! This lot is really HEAVY Check in was quite slow; it took about an hour to get through the queue.  But I got there in the end, and for some reaso..
Category Canada

Home Again

I am now home!  Although home isn’t quite what it used to be.. in more ways than one.. Mercifully, the flight to Frankfurt from Vancouver was better than the flight from Frankfurt to Las Vegas.&n..
Category London
Tag travel