



Categories = ‘current-affairs + culture’

Apr 2012

The Bankers

There possibly is no dirtier word in Britain at the moment than ‘banker’.  They have become villains of almost pantomime proportions, with people practically hissing whenever anyone mentions ‘the bankers’ on the BBC’s Question Time.

Feb 2008

Sharia Law

For the last two days I have been rather astonished that the main headline on the BBC News website has been about Rowan Williams’ comments on Sharia law. The headlines come from a lecture he gave, and..

Dec 2007

Atheist carol-singing

I was preparing to blog on an article I read in The Times the other day, and this morning discovered a friend had done just that! His blog post is (edit: the blog has now been closed down), the origin..

Dec 2007

The Perfect Christmas

This evening we watched Heston Blumenthal’s Perfect Christmas on BBC2. Normally I love watching Heston - the ‘culinary alchemist’ - with his very male cooking; it’s all gadgets, industrial equipment, ..

Nov 2007

Blair the Nutter?

The Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, said: I am sorry that Tony Blair feels he could not talk about his faith in case people thought he was a nutter. A Christian vision underlies all that is im..

Nov 2007

Abortion Legislation

In the 40 years since abortion has been legal in Britain, the number of terminations taking place each year has increased from 22,000 to almost 200,000. Anti-abortion groups stage rally Since 1967 the..

Jun 2007

Naked Tony

Naked Blair at centre of art show I have to confess I don’t quite understand the strength of animosity towards Tony Blair in this country. He has made some unpopular decisions, but lots of politicians..

Mar 2007

Sexual Orientation Regulations

I have just been reading a blog by a fellow Wycliffe student here . He argues that the Catholic Church has no right to oppose the SORs going through Parliament at present. The reason is that they are ..