


Feb 2008

The 29th

I found an interesting article on the BBC website today: ‘Who owns today?’ It traces a bit of the history of leap years, and asks whether people paid monthly should work on 29 February or not. What I ..
Category Random

Feb 2008


On the BBC website today I read this article : Children ‘damaged’ by materialism. It is particularly aimed at advertisers who specifically target children. The Children’s Society said adults had to “t..

Feb 2008

The wooden car?

This is rather a good story, about a sports car made almost entirely out of wood. Sounds very suspect, and it doesn’t look like it will go into production, but it’s a fascinating idea! Wooden horsepow..
Category Sci & Tech
Tag motoring

Feb 2008

Lawyer of the Rings?

My favourite movie trilogy of all time has been involved in lawsuits pretty much since it was finished - or rather, the company that made it (New Line) has been. The twists and turns are followed by t..

Feb 2008


Along with many others (I suspect) I have been following with interest the race for the Democratic presidential candidate in America. It seems that Obama is building momentum - although Clinton is onl..

Feb 2008

Northern = Stupid?

This made me laugh a few days ago: ‘Brain Training’ slammed by ‘Watchdog’ Apparently the computer game (which claims to train your brain) can’t recognise northern accents. So if you shout ‘yeller’ ins..

Feb 2008

What a match

Ireland deserved to win. You won’t often hear me say that. The French were brilliant in the first half, but faded away in the second. I thought O’Gara and O’Driscoll played so well in the second half,..
Category Culture
Tags rugby sport

Feb 2008

Sharia Law

For the last two days I have been rather astonished that the main headline on the BBC News website has been about Rowan Williams’ comments on Sharia law. The headlines come from a lecture he gave, and..

Feb 2008

Faithfulness and sovereignty

Some of the BA students in college have been writing about the impassibility of God, which has prompted not a few discussion in the Common Room over coffee and snooker. One of them has written three b..

Feb 2008


I am increasingly using the ESV translation for both study and devotion. Despite its often clunky language, I have found it to be highly accurate, and freely available in so many forms to be extremely..
Categories Bible Web
Tags e-sword esv