


May 2008

Secret ballot?

I voted in the local elections on Thursday. Imagine my shock when I realised that the so-called ‘secret’ ballot is the exact opposite. While my ballot paper doesn’t have my name written on, it may as ..

Apr 2008

Website compression

I just found a helpful article about compressing website pages automatically using .htaccess here . This reduced my page size by at least 75%, a big (and safe) help for viewing pages fast. My next sea..

Apr 2008

Computer viruses

I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We’ve created life in our own image..

Apr 2008


I had a long conversation last night with a good friend about various theological topics. Some of them will find their way on here, in time. The first of them is the doctrine of assurance. How can we ..

Apr 2008

ESV Study Bible

Coming soon to a store near you... with over 25,000 notes, over 80,000 cross-references, and over 200 maps. The layout looks brilliant. Let’s hope the anglicized edition looks as good! ESV Study Bible
Category Bible

Apr 2008

Using svn:externals

After learning most of the basics of subversion, I discovered I had missed one of its most useful features: svn:externals. This allows you to checkout multiple repositories into one location. For a mo..

Apr 2008


Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don’t need to be done. Andy Rooney
Category Quotations

Apr 2008

Baby born with two faces

This is a rather unbelievable story about a baby girl in India who was born with a rare condition called ‘craniofacial duplication’. I assume that this story is real, as it wasn’t released on April Fo..
Category Random

Apr 2008

Common Worship Ordination

I have to confess that there are many parts of the Church of England’s new Common Worship services that I don’t like. The Baptism service, for example, is hugely long, overly complicated and (I think)..

Apr 2008

Quality vs. price

There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man’s lawful prey. John Ruskin
Category Quotations