
McLaren Falls (2)

This post was published on Sunday 6 January 2019.

There are various walking tracks in McLaren Falls Park, so we headed off for a viewing point, before walking down into the valley to see another waterfall. The viewing point was beautiful – the first part of the trip that made me feel like this is the country The Lord of the Rings was filmed in: it looked like The Shire (in fact tomorrow we are visiting the Hobbiton movie set, which is 20 minutes down the road).

We carried on down into the valley, and found a lovely little waterfall... the scene of my best photo of the current trip. But before we got there, we ran into a little chick which looked a little lost and in need of love – Jess wanted to bring it back to the van and nurse it back to health! I think there’s more than a little of her aunt in her...

Here’s the other waterfall in McLaren Falls Park...

It took a while to get the settings right for this photo, but it was worth it, and Jess was patient as ever... This next photo is also quite fun though... it happened almost by accident!