


Tag = ‘jesus’

May 2022

Looking ahead

This was the pattern of Jesus’ ministry and I believe it should be the pattern of what we do, too: making, growing, sending disciples of Jesus.

Aug 2019

‘What in God’s name is happening in Christianity?’

‘We now learn who God is from singing praise songs rather than the teachings of the Word’

Mar 2019

‘Bring them here to me’

Jesus says, ‘My job is the feeding; your job is the bringing.’
Categories Bible Church

Mar 2019

It’s (not) the end of the world...

Jesus has warned us in advance, so we know what is to come, to keep our faith firm in the only one who can carry us safely to the end.

Sep 2018

Give to Caesar...

When Jesus says, ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar and to God what is God’s,’ is there anything more going on than a clever answer?

Apr 2018

Let the dead bury their own dead

How easy it is to let the cares and concerns of this world crowd out our faith.
Categories Bible Church

Aug 2012

Psalm 30: I will praise you for ever

David wrote Psalm 30 for the dedication of the Temple, praising God for helping and healing him when David called for help. He calls on the people to praise God, for his anger is only temporary.

Oct 2010

Grace and Mercy

I was just chatting with a good friend, with whom I have had many theological discussions.  But it all boils down to the advice he gave me (I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me sharing his words!..

Jul 2008

The Resurrection

“Do you want to believe in the living Christ?” says Barth. “We may believe in him only if we believe in his corporeal resurrection. This is the content of the New Testament. We are always free to reje..

Apr 2008


I had a long conversation last night with a good friend about various theological topics. Some of them will find their way on here, in time. The first of them is the doctrine of assurance. How can we ..